
Although we are proud that the model is known around the world, we would like to
spread it even further. Nothing is more evolving than new partners eager to experiment, innovate,
and sharing with us.



Kalundborg Symbiosis participates in a number of regional and international projects to spread circular approach to production.

And we're always looking for new partnerships.



The creation of a world leading biotech cluster on Zealand is the fundamental idea behind BIOPRO. BIOPRO contributes to research and innovation in Kalundborg Symbiosis.
There have been global biotech leaders in our region for many years, and by joining forces we intend to create a partnership that profits from already existing knowhow and creates new knowledge and growth.

The partnership stands on three cornerstones: industry, universities and a fertile regional business environment.

Industry aims at increased competitiveness and sustainability. This goal can be achieved by markedly increasing the ouput while at the same time reducing the use of resources. 

The universities will provide unique research with novel solutions and strong candidates and thereby contribute to a globally renowned research community.
Innovation that transform research and ideas into solutions for the biotech industry thereby supporting sustainability and competitiveness 

Region Zealand provides a business environment that not only hosts the strong industrial partners in BIOPRO but also a number of present and potential innovations in BIOPRO. Region Zealand plays an important role in establishing the background for biotech companies wanting to set up operations in the region.

Symbiosis Network Denmark

New symbiosis network will strengthen Denmark's leading position in sustainability. Behind the initiative are Kalundborg Symbiosis, the Centre for Logistics and Cooperation and Transition, which have worked intensively over the past year to bring together relevant actors working with symbioses around Denmark.

Symbiosis Network Denmark is a national network for public and private organisations, knowledge institutions, NGOs, associations and networks active in sustainable development, green transition and industrial symbiosis. By symbiosis we mean partnerships between two or more organisations, from the same or across sectors and geographies, where resources are shared, exchanged and provided for joint and increased value creation. By sustainability we mean long-term responsible use of resources, balanced with economic, environmental and social considerations.

Vision: "Symbiotic collaborations between companies, organisations and institutions from the private and public sectors are a natural and relevant part of the green transition and realise innovative circular projects and solutions"

Symbiosis Network Denmark will create a national symbiotic ecosystem where it is natural to collaborate across industries and geographies in Denmark. Together we create concrete results by implementing projects and initiatives that streamline resource use and minimize negative impact.

Mission: through activities and dialogue in a strong national network of public and private actors, we will build and share knowledge, experience and competences that support the diffusion and development of symbioses. Through close partnerships we support, develop and strengthen existing collaborations, as well as facilitate the establishment of new symbioses, with a circular approach to resource use and production. We work to actively contribute to the achievement of corporate, municipal, regional and national objectives in the fields of climate, sustainable development, green transition and investment, circular economy, innovation and job creation. We build bridges and act as the common institutional voice that creates the necessary breakthroughs in the system of relevant national rules and legislation

Symbiosis Network Denmark is in its infancy and is therefore also focusing on building a strong communication platform for the partnership. Through its LinkedIn group, newsletters and later also through the network's website, it will ensure communication of the network's work and results.


1/9 2023 - 31/8 2026


Erhvervshus Sjælland and Food and Bio Cluster Denmark


Kalundborg Symbiosis, Erhvervshus Sjælland, Knowledge Hub Zealand, Absalon, Danish Technological Institute, DTU, Ferm Hub Zealand, RUC, Danish Agriculture and Food Council, Copenhagen School of Engineering, Ministry of the Environment, Nordic Sugar, Novozymes, Roskilde Municipality, State of Green, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Zealand Business Academy, Aarhus University Department of Agroecology, EIFO, BioInnovation Institute, Novo Nordisk Foundation



5.248.200 DKK

Biosolutions Zealand II

Biosolutions Zealand is a global beacon of biosolutions. The consortium supports the sustainable biotechnologies of the future and the transition to more energy-friendly, bio-based and climate-neutral production worldwide. The geography is Region Zealand, which thus takes the lead and creates the optimal framework for developing, testing and scaling up biotechnological products and solutions that contribute to making Denmark greener. The effort will ensure economic growth and also help SMEs enter the biosolutions market.

The Biosolutions project has two main tracks: To bring more SMEs into the biosolutions value chain in Region Zealand, and to expand the activity at the demonstration and pilot facilities built during the Biosolutions I project.

Kalundborg Symbiosen participates in the project steering group. In addition, Kalundborg Symbiosen participates in the effort to increase the number of SMEs in the value chain. This draws on our long-standing experience and expertise on symbiosis potentials, company screenings and ecosystems.


01/01 2023 - 01/01 2026


EUR 2,845,916.60 


Ministry of Economy, Infrastructure, Tourism and Labour Mecklenburg-Vorpommern (DE), Corporation for Regional Participation and Climate Protection mbH (DE), Kalundborg Symbiose (DK), Kalundborg Municipality (DK), Podlaska Regional Development Foundation (PL), Lithuanian Innovation Centre (LT), Regional Council of Central Finland (FI), City of Jyväskylä (FI), Zemgale Planning Region (LV), Sustainable Business Hub Scandinavia AB (SE), Ministry of Environmental Protection and Regional Development of the Republic of Latvia (LV)


Energy and Climate Protection Agency of Mecklenburg-Vorpommern GmbH (LEKA-MV) (DE), Association of Towns and Municipalities of Mecklenburg-Vorpommern e.V. (STGT-MV) (DE), Region Zealand (DK), Gate 21 (DK), Marshall Office of the Voivodship Podlasie (PL), Alva Group Ltd (FI), Skane Region (SE), Neustrelitz Utility Company GmbH (DE), WIN -SSEC -Swedish Surplus Energy Collaboration (SE)


Co-elaboration of a transnational certification standard and of a tool-box to promote energy transition in green industrial areas (GIA)

To reduce both the Baltic Sea Region's emissions of CO2, and its dependency from oil and gas imports, industrial activities need to be decarbonized. To encourage and mobilize industry's investments in decentralized renewable energy production, smart energy management and full exploitation of energy sources in industrial processes public authorities need innovative solutions that reliably lead to an increase of energy efficiency and hence a reduction of greenhouse gas emissions in industrial production processes. Industrial areas where different companies work in proximity to each other allow on one hand synergies accelerating return of investment. On the other hand, public authorities may actively encourage change through regulation, e.g., the planning of a green industrial area. As knowledge about available technological solutions especially involving smart tools is unevenly spread in the BSR, no transnational standard for the certification of such areas exists until today. The aim of the project is to make the first work for transnational standards.

Project partners aim to compile their expertise and knowledge in a tool-box for industrial areas to become smart and climate-neutral and a to establish transnational standard for the certification of green industrial areas aiming for climate-neutrality. Compendiums on green energy solutions, energy efficiency and derived synergies (symbiosis solutions) will be produced, and a certification standard tested. These outputs represent approaches that any public authority can apply to trigger investments and to frame their own instruments to accelerate the decarbonization of industrial activities while honoring frontrunners with a quality label. The standard for certification will be tested in pilots representing emerging, maturing and mature clusters and regions. To further support the input to the pilot action offered to Kalundborg/Region Zealand, screening of production industries will be performed by the KS secretariate staff to map a resource flow baseline and identify potential new synergies (symbiosis projects).


1/1 2025 - 31/12 2025


DKK 444,072. –


CLEAN Denmark (Lead), Kalundborg Forsyning, State of Rio de Janeiro - Secretariat for Economic Development, Industry, Commerce and Services (SEDEICS), Industrial Association of Santa Cruz (AEDIN), and Greennova Hub (Brazil).


Alberta Industrial Heartland (Canada)

Pathways to Resource Efficiency in Santa Cruz Industries (PRESI 2)

The PRESI project aims to contribute to sustainable growth and green transition within the current and future industrial production in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Building upon the foundation of PRESI 1, PRESI 2 continues the effort to showcase Danish solutions and open new pathways for business-to-business relations between Denmark and Brazil. The project seeks to foster sustainable growth while accelerating the reduction of energy and resource consumption in the local industrial sector.

The initiative will feature activities such as technical screenings and peer-to-peer interactions designed to inspire and strengthen cooperation on industrial symbiosis in the region. Kalundborg Utility will participate in the screening and peer activities.
PRESI 2 will include participation in the COP30 activities in Belém, Brazil, in November 2025. During these events, Kalundborg Symbiosis will play a key role as a speaker, sharing valuable experiences and methods in industrial symbiosis.